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COST ACCOUNTING MCQ (multiple choice questions) with answers


COST ACCOUNTING MCQ (multiple choice questions) with answers

1. According to CIMA, England, “the technique and process of ascertaining cost” is called

a. Costing

b. Cost Accounting

c. Cost Accountancy

d. Cost

2. Which among the following costs are not useful for managerial decision making?

a. Sunk Cost

b. Marginal Cost

c. Standard Cost

d. None of the above

3. The main function of cost accounting is _______ reporting

a. Internal

b. External

c. Government

d. Bank

4. The information provided by financial statements is ________ in nature.

a. Standard

b. Historical

c. Marginal

d. Uniform

5. The principle of matching costs with revenues is known as _____ principle.

a. Cost

b. Matching

c. Consistency

d. Revenue

6. In cost accounting, stock is valued at _______

a. Market price

b. Cost price

c. Selling price

d. Standard price

7. The installation of a ______ system will create confidence in the minds of public about the 

fairness of the prices charged.

a. Costing

b. Financial accounting

c. Management accounting

d. Information

8. The exact cause of increase or decrease in profit or loss is disclosed by

a. Management accounting 


b. Financial accounting system

c. Cost accounting system

d. Management information 


9. Data required for the fixation of selling price is provided by

a. Management accounting system

b. Financial counting system

c. Cost accounting system

d. All of these

10. Cost accounting has developed due to the ___________ of financial accounting

a. Advantages

b. Limitations

c. Merits

d. Expansion

11. The main objective of cost accounting is

a. Recording of cost

b. Fixation of selling price

c. Cost control

d. Maximise profit

12. _______ is the application of costing and cost accounting principles, methods and techniques 

to the art, science and practice of cost control and the ascertainment of profitability.

a. Cost accounting

b. Cost accountancy

c. Cost Control

d. Cost Ascertainment

13. Cost accountancy is considered an art because it _____

a. Has systematic body of 


b. requires necessary ability and 


c. involves continuous efforts of 

cost accountant

d. None of the above

14. Which of the following statements are not true regarding cost accounting?

a. Information obtained is used by management for decision making

b. Stock is valued at cost

c. Deals partly with facts & partly with estimates

d. Accounts are mandatory according to Companies Act and IT Act

15. “The amount of expenditure (actual or notional) incurred or attributable to a given thing” is

a. Expense

b. Revenue expenditure

c. Cost

d. Value

16. Cost accountancy is considered a science because _____

a. It has a systematic body of 


b. It requires necessary ability 

and skills

c. Involves continuous efforts of 

a cost accountant

d. None of the above

17. _______ is a “measurement in monetary terms of the amount of resources used for some 


a. Cost

b. Revenue expenditure

c. Expense

d. Value

18. Cost accounting mainly helps the management in

a. Earning profit

b. Providing information to 


c. Fixing prices of the products

d. All of the above

19. ______ is that portion of expired cost resulting from a productive usage of an asset.

a. Cost

b. Expense

c. Loss

d. None of these

20. Expired cost is recorded in _____

a. Balance Sheet

b. Profit & Loss A/c

c. Cash flow statement

d. None of the above

21. Unexpired cost is recorded in _____

a. Balance Sheet

b. Profit & Loss A/c

c. Cash flow statement

d. None of the above

22. _____ is that portion of expired cost resulting from the decline in the service potential of an 

asset that generated no benefit to the firm.

a. Cost

b. Expense

c. Loss

d. None of the above

23. _____ is a location, person or item of equipment (or group of these) for which costs may be 

ascertained and used for the purpose of control.

a. Cost centre

b. Revenue centre

c. Profit centre

d. Responsibility centre

24. ______ is the segment of activity of a business which is responsible for both revenue and 


a. Cost centre

b. Revenue centre

c. Profit centre

d. Responsibility centre

25. ______ is a small segment of activity or responsibility for which cost are accumulated.

a. Cost centre

b. Revenue centre

c. Profit centre

d. Responsibility centre

26. ______ cost centre consists of a group of persons like foremen, storekeeper, etc.

a. Personal

b. Production

c. Process

d. Impersonal

27. ______ cost centre consists of allocation or an item of equipment or a group of these. 

a. Operation

b. Personal

c. Production

d. Impersonal

28. _______ cost centre consists of persons or machines carrying out similar operations. 

a. Operation

b. Personal

c. Production

d. Impersonal

29. ________ consists of a process or a continuous sequence of operations.

a. Service cost centre

b. Operation cost centre

c. Process cost centre

d. Production cost centre

30. Which cost centre undertakes production of a product i.e. conversion of raw materials into 

finished products?

a. Service cost centre

b. Operation cost centre

c. Process cost centre

d. Production cost centre

31. Centres like maintenance department and power supply department which provide services to 

other departments of an organisation is called _______

a. Operation cost centre

b. Impersonal cost centre

c. Process cost centre

d. Service cost centre

32. Segment of activity of a business which is responsible for both revenue and cost is

a. Responsibility centre

b. Revenue centre

c. Profit centre

d. Cost centre

33. Which is not true about a profit centre?

a. Segment responsible for both revenue and cost

b. Created to delegate responsibility and measure their performance

c. Each profit centre has a profit target

d. It is not autonomous

34. Segment or unit of an organisation having accountability to a higher authority for 

performance of function assigned and costs incurred is ______

a. Responsibility centre

b. Revenue centre

c. Profit centre

d. Cost centre

35. A responsibility centre in which inputs are measured in monetary terms and outputs not 

recorded is called ________

a. Expense Centre

b. Profit centre

c. Investment centre

d. None of the above

36. Responsibility centre in which performance is measured on the basis of return on investment:

a. Expense Centre

b. Profit centre

c. Investment centre

d. None of the above

37. A responsibility centre where performance is judged on the basis of costs incurred is called

a. Expense Centre

b. Profit centre

c. Investment centre

d. None of the above

38. According to CIMA, England, “a unit of product, service or time in relation to which cost 

may be ascertained or expressed” is called

a. Cost centre

b. Cost

c. Cost unit

d. None of the above

39. Costs incurred in the past and has no effect on future decision making is called _____

a. Opportunity cost

b. Imputed cost

c. Conversion cost

d. Sunk Cost

40. Costs which do not involve any cash outlay is called ______

a. Out of stock cost

b. Conversion cost

c. Imputed cost

d. Discretionary cost

41. “The value of a benefit sacrificed in favour of an alternative course of action” is

a. Sunk cost

b. Opportunity cost

c. Imputed cost

d. Notional cost

42. If an owned building is used for a business project, the likely rent of the building receivable if 

let out is an example of _______

a. Sunk cost

b. Imputed cost

c. Opportunity cost

d. Notional cost

43. Cost incurred due to shortage of stock is known as _____

a. Imputed cost

b. Urgent cost

c. Abnormal cost

d. Out of stock cost

44. Depreciation on machinery is an example of 

a. Imputed cost

b. Opportunity cost

c. Shut down cost

d. Discretionary cost

45. Cost incurred even after shutting down of plant or temporary stoppage of production is

a. Shut down cost

b. Imputed cost

c. Opportunity cost

d. Discretionary cost

46. Costs to be incurred to avoid the hampering of production is called _____

a. Out of stock cost

b. Shut down cost

c. Discretionary cost

d. Urgent cost

47. Cost that arises from top management policies and controlled by the management is called

a. Expired cost

b. Discretionary cost

c. Standard cost

d. Marginal cost

48. Costs which can be shifted or postponed to a future period without affecting the efficiency of 

current production is called ______

a. Carrying cost

b. Postponable cost

c. Research cost

d. Out of Pocket cost

49. Cost of money locked up in inventory, inventory obsolescence, etc. are examples of _______

a. Normal Cost

b. Carrying cost

c. Unavoidable cost

d. Marginal cost

50. Costs incurred for the maintenance of inventory is called 

a. Carrying cost

b. Ordering cost

c. Period cost

d. Explicit cost

51. Cost incurred for production of a new product or improved method of production is 

a. Replacement cost

b. Development cost

c. Differential cost

d. None of the above

52. Cost which is related to current period as an expense is known as _____

a. Implicit cost

b. Marginal cost

c. Carrying cost

d. None of the above

53. Cost to be incurred at present or in future to replace an asset or material is 

a. Development cost

b. Research cost

c. Expired cost

d. Replacement cost

54. Change in costs due to change in the level of activity is called _____

a. Marginal cost

b. Differential cost

c. Abnormal cost

d. Uncontrollable cost

55. Incremental cost and decremental cost are classifications of ______

a. Marginal cost

b. Abnormal cost

c. Uncontrollable cost

d. Differential cost

56. When cost increases due to change in level of activity, such increase in known as

a. Unavoidable cost

b. Uncontrollable cost

c. Incremental cost

d. None of the above

57. Any cost ascertained after being incurred and has no use in cost control decisions are called

a. Predetermined cost

b. Historical cost

c. Unavoidable cost

d. None of the above

58. He additional cost incurred to produce one additional unit is called _____

a. Incremental cost

b. Development cost

c. Marginal cost

d. Cost of production

59. Which among the following is the cost of searching for a new product or improved products 

or improved methods of production?

a. Normal cost

b. Research cost

c. Product cost

d. Opportunity cost

60. Which of the following is correct about normal cost?

a. Irregular and unexpected cost

b. Charged to Costing P & L a/c

c. Part of Cost of Production

d. All of the above

61. Which among the following is correct about abnormal cost?

a. Expected at a given level of output

b. Charged to Costing P&L a/c

c. Part of Cost of Production

d. None of the above

62. Which among the following costs are charged to Costing P&L a/c?

a. Estimated cost

b. Controllable costs

c. Normal cost

d. Abnormal Cost

63. Normal costs are generally ______ costs.

a. Controllable

b. Uncontrollable

c. Discretionary

d. Avoidable

64. Predetermined cost based on technical estimate for materials, labour and overhead for a 

selected period of time and for a prescribed set of working conditions is known as

a. Standard cost

b. Budgeted cost

c. Normal cost

d. Avoidable cost

65. An estimate of expenditure for different phases of business operations for a period of time in 

future is called _____

a. Budgeted cost

b. Variable cost

c. Estimated cost

d. Development cost

66. Items of cost like wages, rent, etc. which involves cash payment to outsiders are 

a. Normal cost

b. Product cost

c. Out of pocket cost

d. None of the above

67. Costs required for production and will not be incurred if there is no production are

a. Product cost

b. Direct cost

c. Period cost

d. Committed cost

68. Which among the following is not a part of product cost?

a. Direct Materials

b. Direct Labour

c. Selling OH

d. Factory OH

69. Items of cost like wages, rent, etc. which involves cash payment to outsiders are called

a. Explicit cost

b. Period Cost

c. Product cost

d. None of the above

70. Certain costs, also known as Economic costs, which do not involve immediate cash payments 

are called _____

a. Explicit cost

b. Indirect cost

c. Avoidable cost

d. Implicit cost

71. Cost which can be directly identified with and allocated to cost units or centre

a. Indirect costs

b. Direct costs

c. Product cost

d. None of the above

72. Overheads or on cost is the total of 

a. All direct expenses

b. All indirect expenses

c. Direct Expenses + Factory OH

d. None of the above

73. Prime cost is the total of 

a. All direct expenses

b. All indirect expenses

c. Direct Expenses + Factory OH

d. None of the above

74. Hypothetical costs which do not involve any cash outlay and used solely fo the purpose of 

decision making are called

a. Indirect costs

b. Notional costs

c. Explicit costs

d. None of the above 

75. Rent on own building is an example of _____

a. Imputed cost

b. Explicit cost

c. Standard cost

d. Abnormal cost

76. The process of charging such costs which are directly identifiable with some products or 

departments to such cost centres is called

a. Cost absorption

b. Cost allocation

c. Cost Apportionment

d. None of the above

77. Distribution of costs which are not directly identifiable with any cost centre, amongst various 

cost centres on predetermined basis is called

a. Cost absorption

b. Cost allocation

c. Cost Apportionment

d. None of the above

78. ‘Regulation by executive action of the costs of operating an undertaking, particularly where 

such action is guided by Cost Accounting’ is known as

a. Cost ascertainment

b. Cost planning

c. Cost control

d. Cost audit

79. Conversion cost is calculated as

a. Sum of all direct materials

b. Sum of all indirect materials

c. Total cost of production –Direct materials

d. Prime cost + Factory OH

80. For exercising control over cost, the best system is ______ costing.

a. Standard

b. Historical

c. Marginal

d. Estimated

81. ______ system is best suited for undertaking job works.

a. Process costing

b. Job costing

c. Contract costing

d. Batch costing

82. ______ system of costing is suitable for toy making.

a. Batch costing

b. Job costing

c. Operating costing

d. Process costing

83. He sum of direct wages, direct expenses and overhead costs of converting raw materials in to 

finished products is called

a. Prime cost

b. Works cost

c. Direct cost

d. Conversion cost

84. An example of personal cost centre

a. Machinery

b. Store yard

c. Maintenance department

d. Foreman

85. Cost centres are created for

a. Segregating costs into fixed and variable

b. Control and fixing responsibility

c. Making decisions

d. Ascertaining profit

86. Conversion cost excludes 

a. Direct material

b. Direct labour cost

c. Direct expenses

d. All of the above

87. Variable costs increase in total due to

a. Increase in sales

b. Increase in volume of 


c. Increase in profit

d. All of the above

88. Common cost of facilities or services employed in the output of two or more simultaneously 

produced or otherwise closely related operations, commodities or services.

a. Uniform cost

b. Common cost

c. Joint cost

d. Product cost

89. Costs which are collectively incurred for a number of cost centres and are required to be 

suitably apportioned for determining for determining cost of individual cost centres is

a. Uniform cost

b. Common cost

c. Joint cost

d. Product cost

90. Mention the item of expense which is excluded from cost accounts.

a. Raw materials

b. Office supplies

c. Salaries

d. Income Tax

91. Cost incurred by undertakings which do not manufacture any product but services is 

a. Operation cost

b. Operating cost

c. Joint cost

d. Sunk cost

92. In cement industry, the method of costing adopted is 

a. Process costing

b. Job costing

c. Contract costing

d. Operating costing

93. Direct material is a _____

a. Fixed cost

b. Variable cost

c. Semi-variable cost

d. None of the above

94. A Bill of Material serves the purpose of _____

a. Purchase order

b. Material requisition

c. Purchase requisition

d. Goods received note

95. Thread in garments is an example of _____

a. Direct materials

b. Prime cost

c. Variable cost

d. Indirect materials

96. Primary packing materials are examples of _____

a. Direct materials

b. Indirect materials

c. Selling OH

d. Factory OH

97. Purchase requisition for regular stock materials is prepared by ______

a. Costing department

b. Production department

c. Storekeeper

d. Purchase department

98. The purpose of inventory control is to ______

a. control flow of raw materials

b. maintain optimum level of inventory

c. control material price

d. None of these

99. A Bill of Materials is ________

a. An invoice of materials purchased

b. A voucher of materials received by supplier

c. A document that shows all the materials required for a job

d. None of these

100. Under decentralized purchasing, which department is responsible for making purchases?

a. Purchase department

b. Department requiring materials

c. Stores department

d. None of these

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91 -b

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95 -d

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97 -c

98 -b

99 -c

100 -b

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